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Black Chalkboard Paint Hacks For The Home & Business

Why on earth would I buy black chalkboard paint when I can just buy a chalkboard? Well, because chalkboards only come in certain sizes and with the additional task of hanging them up or securing them to a wall.

With chalkboard paint, you can turn any part of your home or business into a creative space with the stroke of a brush. Not to mention, you can paint any shape and size you want!

With that in mind, here are some quick and easy chalkboard paint hacks for your home and business:

Hacks for the home

Nursery fun

Black chalkboard paint is perfect for the home nursery. Whether you home-school your children or extend their learning at the weekends, creating a DIY chalkboard gives your little ones a fun and familiar place to learn and play.

Simply paint a section of their bedroom wall or nursery and let them have at it with one of our non-toxic chalk markers (The beauty of our markers is that they won't snap easily like real chalk pieces and the lid will stop unwanted scribbles!)

Alternatively, paint the top of their desk to give them a fun drawing area that will keep them occupied.

For the kitchen

Why not paint a section of your kitchen with black chalkboard paint and let the whole family know what's on the menu tonight! This is a great idea seeing as it's almost Christmas and you'll have lots of guests round.

This idea works particularly well when you paint one wall and leave the other three white. This creates a feature wall that you can also draw fun designs on.

Let your creativity flow and create a new faux wallpaper every month! It really is that easy when you can simply wipe any design away

Hacks for the business

Pubs and Cafes 

You might already own a chalkboard if you run a pub or cafe. But how fresh does your existing chalkboard look?

Years of illustrations are bound to have worn it down and given it a shabby appearance. Well, a lick of black chalkboard paint will create a fresh, new look!

Your illustrations will now look brighter than ever and draw more attention.

Office vision

Do you work in a office that regularly holds team meetings? Transform your meeting room into a VISION room by painting an entire wall with our paint and letting the team brainstorm together.

You'll never see someone yawn during your meeting ever again! Boost imagination and bring your team closer together with this fun DIY office hack!

Black Chalkboard Paint By Rainbow Chalk

Feeling inspired? Grab a pot of our paint below or you can buy it in a spray can for even easier application! Don't forget to pick up a pack of our chalk pens to decorate your new board.

  • chalkboard paint

    Chalkboard Paint 1 Litre

    £15.95 incl. VAT

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